Tags /

Organizations /

1 battalion 13 international brigade 2

1 battalion named after dimitrov 2

1 battalion named after dombrovsky 9

1 battalion named after edgar andré 7

1 battalion named after the paris commune 2

1 battery 4

1 international heavy artillery battalion "eslavo" 25

10 battalion 13 international brigade 5

10 battalion 14 international brigade 1

10 battalion named after domingo germinal 1

10 division of the republican army of spain 1

11 battalion 2

11 division of the republican army of spain 5

11 international brigade of the republican army of spain 178

110 battery 1

12 battalion 14 international brigade 3

12 international brigade of the republican army of spain 95

129 international brigade of the republican army of spain 44

13 battalion named after henri barbusse 2

13 international brigade of the republican army of spain 245

139 brigade of the republican army of spain 2

14 battalion named after dimitrov 2

14 battery 1

14 division of the republican army of spain 1

14 international brigade of the republican army of spain 99

14 pierre brachet battalion 2

140 brigade of the republican army of spain 1

144 brigade of the republican army of spain 1

15 army corps of the republican army of spain 8

15 battalion named 6 february 3

15 division of the republican army of spain 10

15 international brigade of the republican army of spain 149

16 army corps of the republican army of spain 3

16 english battalion 4

17 army corps of the republican army of spain 3

17 division of the republican army of spain 1

17 lincoln-washington battalion 7

18 army corps of the republican army of spain 1

19 division of the republican army of spain 5

2 a.gramshi name battery 1

2 battalion named after andre marty 3

2 battalion named after dzhakovich 2

2 battalion named after p. vayan-couturier 1

2 battery 1

2 hans baimler battalion 5

2 skoda international heavy artillery division 34

21 army corps of the republican army of spain 7

21 battalion 1

23 brigade of the republican army of spain 1

24 spanish battalion 2

25 division of the republican army of spain 1

27 division of the republican army of spain 1

3 army corps of the republican army of spain 1

3 battalion named after andre marty 1

3 battalion named after e.thelmann 10

3 company of the chapaev battalion 1

3 company of the dombrovsky battalion 2

3 division of the republican army of spain 3

3 garibaldi battalion 3

3 international artillery group 2

3 juan marco battalion 6

3 k. libknecht name battery 2

3 masaryk battalion 2

3 rakosha battalion 1

35 division of the republican army of spain 53

4 army corps of the republican army of spain 2

4 battalion 6

4 battalion named "12 february" 5

4 battalion named after henri barbusse 1

4 international artillery group 2

42 division of the republican army of spain 1

43 division of the republican army of spain 1

44 division of the republican army of spain 2

45 division of the republican army of spain 56

46 brigade of the republican army of spain 1

46 division of the republican army of spain 3

5 army corps of the republican army of spain 13

5 regiment of the republican army of spain 4

51 battalion 1

51 brigade of the republican army of spain 1

52 battalion 1

52 brigade of the republican army of spain 1

57 english battalion 1

58 lincoln battalion 1

59 battalion 2

6 army corps of the republican army of spain 1

60 division of the republican army of spain 2

63 division of the republican army of spain 2

7 army corps of the republican army of spain 3

73 brigade of the republican army of spain 1

8 (1, 49) battalion 8

8 army corps of the republican army of spain 9

83 brigade of the republican army of spain 1

86 brigade of the republican army of spain 9

88 brigade of the republican army of spain 2

9 army corps of the republican army of spain 1

9 battalion 1

Abwehr 1

Accounting department 1

Aft (american federation of labor) 1

Aguas de oran concentration camp 1

Aid committee for republican spain 4

Amikol (organization) 1

Anglo-american section 2

Anna pauker battery 8

Anti-fascist organization 1

Anti-tank battery 3

Archive 2

Archive of international brigades 1

Argeles concentration camp 12

Army headquarters 1

Army unit 2

Arsenal 1

Artillery base 13

Artillery battery 1

Artillery battery "tudor vladimirescu" 1

Artillery school 2

Artillery unit 42

Assistance committee 2

Association of former fighters of republican spain 1

Association of friends of the soviet union 3

Association of greek sailors 1

Association of volunteers of the spanish republic 1

Austrian section 1

Aviation division 1

Balkan battalion of international brigades 2

Balkan committee of international brigades 1

Balkan section 1

Battalion named after dimitrov 1

Battalion named after mitskevich 5

Battery named after a. gramshi 1

Battery named after b. glovatsky 2

Battery named after e.thelmann 4

Battery named after karl liebknecht 3

Battery named after r. luxemburg 3

Battery named after v. couturier 1

Battery named after v. kolarov 1

Cartographic service 2

Cavalry squadron 11

Cc cp of england 1

Cc kp 2

Cc kp canada 1

Cc kp cuba 1

Cc kp germany 1

Cc kp iceland 1

Cc kp italy 3

Cc kp mexico 1

Cc kp of portugal 1

Cc kp of the netherlands 1

Cc kp romania 2

Cc kp spain 156

Cc kp usa 4

Cemetery 1

Censorship service 6

Center for professional retraining of the wounded 1

Center for reorganization of international brigades 4

Central committee of the communist party of yugoslavia 1

Central committee of the cp of france 2

Central committee of the cp of great britain 1

Central information service 1

Central military administration of international brigades 37

Centuria "telman" 1

Century named after gastone sozzi 1

Chapaev battalion 5

Ciudad de barcelona (ship) 1

Club 1

Command of the international brigades 1

Commissariat 12

Commissariat of propaganda 1

Commission on foreign personnel at the central committee of the cp of spain 140

Committee for assistance to families of political prisoners 1

Committee of solidarity with international brigades 1

Communication service 7

Communications company 2

Company named after mitskevich 2

Company named after n.botvin 11

Company named after tshevchenko 2

Concentration camp 92

Concentration camp saint-zacharier 1

Consulate 2

Control commission 2

Council of ministers 2

Cp committee 2

Cp of australia 1

Cp of belgium 1

Cp of canada 1

Cp of france 3

Cp of italy 3

Cp of yugoslavia 1

Cp spain 12

Cultural commission 2

Culture commission 2

Czechoslovak section 2

Czechoslovakian battalion of international brigades 1

Defense committee 1

Defense council 1

Demobilization center of international brigades 21

Disciplinary advice 1

District organization kp 1

Eastern army 1

Editorial office 2

Engineering service 2

Fascist group 1

Fascist organization 2

Federation of anarchists of iberia (fai) 1

Federation of communist youth 1

Financial sector 1

Food section 1

Foreign literature commission 1

Fortress commandant's office 1

Franco-belgian battery of the international art group 1

French popular front medical association 1

Friendship society with volunteers of republican spain 1

Front 4

General base 2

General lukacs training camp 1

General military commissariat 6

General sanitary inspection 2

German section 1

German youth union of international brigades 1

Gheorghiu deja international artillery group 1

Gottwald name battery 2

Government 1

Government organization 3

Guard company 1

Gyurs concentration camp 38

Headquarters 6

Henri vuyemen battalion 2

Historical commission 2

Historical section 24

Hospital 60

Hospital named after kamensky 1

Hospital of the international brigades 14

Human resources department 1

Hungarian section 1

Information service of the international brigade base 10

Institution 2

International aid committee for the spanish people 11

International anti-aircraft artillery division 12

International anti-tank artillery group 1

International brigade (international brigade) 1323

International brigade base 571

International brigade base headquarters 85

International brigade headquarters 9

International club 1

International committee for the coordination of aid to republican spain 1

International federation of trade unions (ifps) 1

International forces group 16

International medical aid organization 1

International organization 1

International organization for helping children 1

International orphanage 1

International red cross 4

International sanitary service 6

International sanitation center 3

International tank regiment 1

Investigative department 6

Ioshko mayek battery 1

Italian battalion 1

Italian section 1

Jail 1

Joint committee of trade unions of france 1

Junta defense 1

Kp austria 1

Kp germany 1

Kp of different countries 1

Kp of england 1

Labor (labor) party of england 1

Laboratory 1

Legal commission 9

Legal department 1

Library 1

Lincoln battalion 2

Lincoln battalion friends society 2

Lincoln brigade friends (organization) 1

Local committee of the cp 1

Local kp organization 2

Machine gun company 4

Mackenzie-daddy battalion (60 battalion) 8

Mackenzie-daddy's battalion friends society 1

Madrid battalion 2

Maritime department 1

Medical center 1

Medical commission 8

Military commandant's office 3

Military commissariat 9

Military commissariat of the international brigades 82

Military courses 2

Military school 15

Military unit 4

Military-political commission 1

Militia 2

Ministry of communications 1

Ministry of national defense of the spanish republic 105

Mobilization troika 1

Mopr (international organization for aid to the fighters of the revolution) 6

Mopr section 1

Motor depot 3

Motor transport service 2

Motorcycle group 1

Mundo obrero (edition) 1

Municipality 4

National group 1

Newspaper editoring 7

Oletariy 1

Orphanage 4

Orphanage named after e.thelmann 1

Ovra * italian fascist organization * 2

Palafox battalion 19

Party organization 5

Pasionaria hospital 1

Patrol service 1

People's anti-fascist militia 1

Pharmacy 1

Polish company 1

Polish section 2

Politburo of the central committee of the communist party 1

Political commissariat of the international brigade base 63

Post service 2

Press and information service 5

Pretrial detention house 1

Print service 5

Propaganda department 1

Provincial committee of the cp 2

Publisher 1

Quartermaster service 19

Radio center 3

Radio station 2

Rakosha battalion 6

Representation of the cp of yugoslavia 1

Republican army of spain 249

Revolutionary organization 1

Romanian section 2

Saint-cyprien concentration camp 20

Sanitary service of international brigades 99

Sapper battalion 1

Sapper company 6

School of communication 1

School of officers 1

School of political commissars of the international brigades 1

Secretariat 1

Secretariat of the central committee of the communist party 1

Service of personnel 2

Social democratic party of germany 1

Social organization 8

Socialist party of catalonia 1

Socialist party of germany 1

Socialist party of poland 1

Socialist united party 1

Socialist workers international 2

Socialist workers' party of spain 1

Socialist youth union 1

Society for aid the liberation movement in western ukraine 1

Society of american friends of spanish democracy 1

Society of fighters of republican spain (ver) 1

Society of friends of the ussr 1

Spain health care committee 1

Spanish children committee 2

Spanish government 2

Spanish people's aid committee 3

Spanish socialist party 1

Special sector of the central committee of the communist party of the soviet union 2

Squadron 1

Student organization 1

Tank battery named after e.thelmann 1

Tank unit 2

The university 1

Topographic department 1

Town council 1

Trade union 2

Trade union opposition 1

Trade union organization 6

Training battalion 32

Transport service 4

Union of international brigade volunteers 1

Union of metallurgists 1

Union of socialist youth 2

Union of socialist youth of catalonia 1

United socialist party of catalonia 1

Unity committee 1

Unity committee of german anti-fascists in spain 1

Verne concentration camp 2

Women's organization 3

Working committee of german social democrats and communists of the xi brigades 1

World federation of trade unions 1

Youth organization 5

Yugoslav committee 1

Yugoslav group of international forces 1

Yugoslav section 2