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A collection of songs 4

A list of employees 4

Ad 1

Agenda 1

Album of drawings 13

Alphabetical List 14

Announcement 1

Appeal 11

Application form 34

Archival material 1

Article 62

Autobiography 6

Biography 3

Black list 2

Book 10

Book galleys 2

Book manuscript 2

Book synopsis 1

Broadcast 5

Brochure 43

Brochure outline 1

Bulletin 71

camera roll 1

Card file 6

Caricature 3

Cartoon 1

Cash book 1

Certification material 1

Characteristic 210

Chronicle of events 3

Circular 3

Collection 2

Collection of documents 6

Collection of materials 2

Collection of memories 2

Collection of poems 1

Combat operations scheme 4

Combat positions diagram 1

Command personnel list 2

Commission report 1

Communiqué 1

Complimentary ticket 1

Concert program 1

Conversation recording 1

Correspondence 174

Covering note 2

Curriculum Vitae 68

Death toll 3

Decision 2

Declaration 1

Decree 1

Delegate List 1

Diary 17

Digest of articles 3

Directive letter 1

Document index 1

Documentary material 4

Draft charter 2

Draft letter 1

Draft manuscript 1

Draft Notes 6

Entry permit 1

Excerpt from document 1

Excerpt from periodicals 34

Excerpt from Resolution 1

Excerpt from the diary 1

Excerpt from the report 1

Excerpt from the speech 1

Exhibition catalog of documents 1

Feature article 2

Feedback 1

Financial document 101

Form 1

Health certificate 1

Historical reference 1

Identity 5

Ikki information material 1

Illustration 1

Indictment 1

Information 20

Information sheet 1

Information summary 1

Inquiry 1

Instructions 41

Interrogation protocol 5

Inventory 3

Inventory of cases 3

Job report 2

Leaflet 10

Ledger 1

Lesson plan 6

Letter 62

Line notes 13

List of communists 1

List of deceased 1

List of deserters 2

List of documents 3

List of listeners 3

List of missing persons 2

List of personnel of the international brigades 121

List of pilots 1

List of political commissars of the international brigades 3

List of prisoners of war 1

List of repatriated 1

List of those arrested 1

List of volunteers 38

List of wounded 5

Lithography 1

Magazine 8

Manifesto 1

Manuscript brochure 3

Map 8

Medical Card 2

Membership card 1

Memo 200

Memorandum 5

Memories 55

Message 4

Methodical material 2

Military ID 1

Newsletter 24

Newspaper 6

Note 6

Notebook 12

Notice 1

Obituary 1

Operational log 1

Operational summary 9

Order 183

Party ticket 1

Passenger List 1

Passport 1

Performance 8

Personal account 1

Personal card 8

Personal document 3

Petition 1

Photo album 25

Photomontage 2

Picture 10

Plan 7

Play 1

Poems 12

Postcard 1

Poster 4

Preparatory material 3

Presentation for the position 2

Printing overview 1

Private bussiness 1217

Program 4

Protocol 26

Receipt 8

reference 10

Registration card 1

Report 244

Reprint from newspaper 1

Resolution 10

Review 1

Scrapbook 1

Screenplay 1

Script draft 1

Sentence 3

Skip 3

Song 4

Staff list 1

Statement 26

Statistical data 56

Statistical report 3

Story 2

Structure statement 2

Subscription list 8

Summary 4

Telegram 5

Textbook 1

The calendar 1

The charter 2

The death toll 2

The note 17

The photo 300

Topographic map 4

Transcript 1

Travel certificate 3

Vedomosti 1

Wall newspaper 14

Welcome letter 9

Welcome telegram 1

Work plan 11

545_1_71 - Case 71. Articles of the Commissioner-Inspector of the International Brigades about the death of General Lukach 215 545_2_266 - Case 266. Articles, memoirs, lists and drawings of volunteers of the training battalion of the 15th international brigade 231 545_2_291 - Case 291. Lists and characteristics of the personnel department of the Central Military Administration of the International Brigades 145 545_2_364 - Case 364. Italian edition of the international brigade magazine "Volunteer of Freedom" 383 545_2_369 - Case 369. Polish edition of the international brigade magazine "Volunteer of Freedom" 318 545_2_370 - Case 370. French edition of the international brigade magazine "Volunteer of Freedom" 398 545_2_371 - Case 371. Czechoslovak-Yugoslavian edition of the international brigade magazine "Volunteer of Freedom" 119 545_2_372 - Case 372. Special issue of the magazine "Volunteer of Freedom" 51 545_2_373 - Case 373. Newsletter of the Political Commissariat of the Base of the International Brigades 53 545_2_374 - Case 374. Bulletin of the Political Commissariat of the International Brigades "Charla del dia" 21 545_2_375 - Case 375. Journal of the commissariat of the international brigades "Nuestros Espanoles", published for the Yugoslav volunteers 54 545_2_376 - Case 376. Special bulletin of the commissariat of the Base of the International Brigades, dedicated to the farewell to the International Brigades 10 545_2_377 - Case 377. Brochure "Le chemin de la Victoire" published by the commissariat of the international brigades 13 545_2_378 - Case 378. Brochure on Military Tactics Published by the Commissariat of the International Brigade Base 51 545_2_379 - Case 379. Pamphlet "Unity or Death", published by the commissariat of the Base of the International Brigades 25 545_2_381 - Case 381. Brochure "Alfred Brugeres" - "notre Fredo", published by the commissariat of the Base of the International Brigades 22 545_2_388 - Case 388. Brochures from the "New Spain" series on the situation of peasants in the country 50 545_2_390 - Case 390. Brochure "Promese de los voluntarios de la libertad" published by the commissariat of the Base of the International Brigades 10 545_2_481 - Case 481. Clippings from the newspapers of the Spanish Republic about events in the country and on the fronts of the civil war 112 545_3_110 - Case 110. Reports of the commissar, chief and chief doctor of the sanitary service of the 11th brigade to the brigade commissar 36 545_3_152 - Case 152. Submissions by the commissariat of the 12th brigade to the Minister of War of the Republic of Spain 60 545_3_374 - Case 374. Reports, reports of the Commissioner of the 14th brigade to the Commissioner of the 45th division of the Republican Army of Spain 118 545_3_375 - Case 375. Reports, memos of the command of the 14th brigade to the commissioner-inspector of the international brigades L. Gallo 200 545_3_376 - Case 376. Reports, memos of the command of the 14th brigade to the commissioner-inspector of the international brigades L. Gallo 175 545_3_382 - Case 382. Plays, poems and materials collected by the cultural commission of the 14th brigade for amateur performances 66 545_3_383 - Case 383. Reports of the head of the personnel service of the 14th brigade to the brigade command about the personnel 35 545_3_384 - Case 384. Lists with personal data, characteristics and biographies of personnel of the 14th brigade 107 545_3_402 - Case 402. Reports from the command and chronicler of the sapper company of the 14th brigade to the brigade command 48 545_3_403 - Case 403. Reports of the commander and chronicler of the communications service of the 14th brigade to the brigade command about the personnel 19 545_3_406 - Case 406. Reports, information and letters from the chief and chronicler of the sanitary service of the 14th brigade to the brigade command 96 545_3_414 - Case 414. Reports, letters, memos of the command of the 10 (54) battalion of the 14th brigade 62 545_3_415 - Case 415. Reports and letters from the command of the 12th battalion of the 14th brigade to the brigade command about the hostilities 155 545_3_416 - Case 416. Reports and letters of the commissioner and chronicler of the 14th (Belgian) battalion named after Pierre Brachet 116 545_3_417 - Case 417. Newspaper of the 14th brigade "Le Soldat de la Republique" 375 545_3_418 - Case 418. Newsletters of the command and the commissariat of the 14th brigade 53 545_3_419 - Case 419. "Unidad" newspaper and newsletters of the 9th battalion of the 14th brigade 16 545_3_420 - Case 420. Bulletin of the 10th Domingo Germinal Battalion, 14th Brigade "Unidad" 23 545_3_423 - Case 423. Newspaper of the 13th battalion named after Henri Barbusse of the 14th brigade "El Fuego". 7 545_3_43 - Case 43. Information bulletin of the commissariat of the 45th division of the Republican Army of Spain "Unidad" 1 545_3_498 - Case 498. Lists of personnel and statistical reports of the 16 (57) English battalion of the 15th brigade 40 545_3_499 - Case 499. Orders and orders of the command of the 17 (58) battalion named after Lincoln-Washington, 15 brigade 189 545_3_504 - Case 504. Sheets for receiving monetary allowance of the 17 (58) battalion named after Lincoln-Washington 122 545_3_592 - Case 592. Orders, information, memos of the command of the 2nd battalion of heavy artillery "Skoda" 157 545_3_596 - Case 596. Dispatches, memos, letters from the command of the 2nd Skoda heavy artillery battalion 142 545_3_600 - Case 600. Sheets for pay for the personnel of the 2nd Skoda heavy artillery battalion 44 545_3_601 - Case 601. Notebooks of orders for the battery of the command of the first battery named after E. Telman of the 2nd artillery battalion "Skoda" 27 545_3_605 - Case 605. Service notes, lists of personnel, documents of the quartermaster service and other documents 52 545_3_677 - Case 677. Sheets for receiving salaries for personnel of the sanitary service of 35 and 45 divisions 32 545_3_678 - Case 678. Bills of pay for wounded volunteers of the international brigades in hospitals in Mataro 185 545_3_679 - Case 679. Sheets for the receipt of monetary allowances for wounded volunteers of the international brigades at the Olet hospital 32 545_3_757 - Case 757. Lists and questionnaires of the personnel of the group of international forces in Alsir 208 545_3_758 - Case 758. Orders from the command of the Portuguese group of international forces in Valencia 40 545_3_760 - Case 760. Orders from the Command of the US-Portuguese Group of International Forces in Villa Nueva de Castellon 275 545_3_787 - Case 787. Lists of volunteers of various nationalities repatriated from Calella to France 53 545_4_11 - Case 11. Collection of articles on the history of the Russian labor movement of the Hungarian group of the Gyurs concentration camp 143 545_4_12 - Case 12. Collection of articles and memoirs of Hungarian volunteers (Gyurs concentration camp) 70 545_4_50 - Case 50. Collection of articles and memoirs (No. 1) of interneed Romanian inter-brigade members 141 545_4_51 - Case 51. Collections of articles and memoirs (No. 2-4) of interneed Romanian inter-brigade members 167 545_4_52 - Case 52. Collection of articles compiled by interneed Romanian inter-brigade soldiers 380 545_4_66 - Case 66. Articles, notes for the wall newspaper of the inter-brigade members, interned in Saint-Cyprien 62 545_4_67 - Case 67. Articles, notes and other documents of interned inter-brigade members dedicated to E. Telman 11 545_6_712 - Case 712. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Kas-Kau) 117